According to Jeff Ruzicka
No free society has survived without a public religion of morals or virtues as a capstone of its liberty. For free people to govern themselves, they cannot be a group of murderers or rapists.Now come on Jeff. As if religion is totally pro-survival. Do you call the denial of blood transfusions for children survival? How about an exorcism in lieu of treatment for manic depression? How about religious extremism, wars, crusades, bombings, trade centers? Survival?
I don't need a sky daddy (pick one) to tell me how to survive. I have morals. They come from empathy of others. The worst answers for not doing wrong are "because I'll go to jail" and "because my god says so".
I'd like to see the human species rise above the fiction that has been written thousands of years ago that is used as a psychological weapon to threaten people into being "good". If the only reason that you are doing good is because you will be punished, is that really moral?
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